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  • What To Do With Your College Age Kid?

What To Do With Your College Age Kid?

What if your kid is not interested in college...

The ANTI-SCHOOL disaster is upon us.

In truth, the disaster has been sneaking up on us for decades.

Life gets real—real quick— when kids start finishing high school.

3.5 million kids and parents get a harsh wake-up call and a large dose of reality each year at graduation.

The kids are NOT ready.

Most parents just did not see it until the events of the last few years pulled the sheets back and exposed what was really going on under the “covers” of “school”.

Minimal learning, lots of indoctrination, isolation, the fomentation of culture wars, and the general demoralization of the kids.

I spoke with three people this week whose kids are graduating high school this year and are not interested in college.

Fair enough.

But what will they do instead?

This is the fear every caring parent has.

The No-College Void

We want the best for our kids.

We want to give them the very best chances in life—even, and especially, the ones we never got.

Currently, the options after graduating high school are: go to a trade school, get a minimum wage job, or idle in their parent’s home hoping “someday” they will figure something out...

None of these are a great plan overall.

Those aren’t great options if a kid is looking to build a great life.

The Normal Path Is Broken

The problem is that colleges promise degrees not jobs.

I know many college graduates still pushing carts or making coffee and are completely unprepared for life.

Kids need a new path for their education—a Not-Normal education.

One that prepares them as a whole human.

One that helps them interface with the real world in a measured way under guidance and mentorship so they can acquire the skills, mindsets, and experiences they need to be successful.


I write this letter to give hope to parents and a completely new path for young people.

I’m documenting what I’m doing with my kids and the network of inspiring young people I’m building.

Get Involved

If you want to follow along, subscribe to get my weekly letter.

If you know a thinking person with college-age kids please forward this message of hope. (Earn some cool swag on the way too.)

The world has changed.

We need new tools to be ready for the new world.

We need everyone who cares to be part of this.

I hope you can join us.


p.s. If you think you or your young person would like to meet other interesting people doing interesting things. (starting businesses, learning principles of success, and having adventures) Check out the members-only network here.

p.p.s. If you want to grab a FREE copy of our monthly magazine where we highlight what kids in the network are doing, check it out here.


or to participate.