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In An Upside-Down Clown World

In a famous fiction book, a girl falls down a rabbit hole and finds a strange world that is completely upside down.

Truth As Fiction

I’ve said to my immediate family for years that there will come a day when the truth will be so obscured, facts so fluid, reality so mediated, and emotions so manipulated that you will not be able to believe your own eyes.

In such a world, how does one function?

It’s a riddle we all will be forced to wrestle with in the next few years.

Many think our handlers will figure it out for us.

Of that, I’m sure.

What will you figure out for yourself?

The nature of the reality we observe and the reality we choose to participate in will be a choice all of us will have.


I believe staying connected to nature unmediated by technology will be a powerful grounding and sanity-saving activity.

I also believe that having the right network of friends and colleagues will be critical to help you keep your head on straight.

As my uncle used to say, “If you get too far away from the farm, you start to think anything goes.”

Humans start to lose their relationship to life and death, consequences, work and play, sowing and harvesting.

Find friends that have your best interest at heart.

Touch nature

Don’t let society and social norms get between you and your family.

Find your group of friends and support them too

We will all need each other.

You have to build your ark before it starts raining.

Find Your Tribe

Find a network that will help you mentally, physically, economically, and spiritually.

The one I am building respects your individuality and demands it.

Bring your gifts and your talents and see if this tribe is the fit for you.

We all need a group to help us keep our heads on straight.

Try this one for FREE. You might like it.

Join a network of Not Normals like you. TRY FOR FREE HERE.



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