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  • The Migrant Invasion, part 2/3

The Migrant Invasion, part 2/3

Will money for migrants turn out differently this time?

The Migrant Invasion - part 2

I write today looking out my window at the deep blue waters of the Caribbean Sea famous for its tales of pirates, island invasions, marauders, and imperial rule.

The tales from this region remind me that people have always moved around, always explored, and were frequently less-than-benevolent with each other in the process.

Imagining tales of pirates, scoundrels, and intrepid explorers from my desk this afternoon.

So What Makes this Migrant Invasion DIfferent?

In my previous letter, I discussed how the unpopular “Quartering Act” of 1774 (which forced the American Colonists to pay to house the foreign troops living in their town) was the spark that made people declare their independence from Britain—their mother country.

The fact that they were made to pay for an expensive standing army to “keep the peace” in peacetime was seen by many as being forced to pay for their overlords and enforcers.

To be clear, here is a comparison of the two situations (they look eerily similar):

In 1774: Britain sent thousands of troops to Boston and mandated that the locals pay for the foreign troops stationed in their town…living in their public houses, inns, empty buildings, streets, and parks (such as, Boston Commons).

250 years later in 2024: “Someone” has sent millions of foreign invaders into the United States of America (primarily via the wide open Southern border open arms federal policy) and has mandated that the locals pay for the foreign invaders stationed in their townliving in their public houses, inns, empty buildings (such as a local rec center converted to a migrant shelter), streets, parks (such as Boston Commons), and airports (such as Boston’s Logan International airport). source

“The high costs of feeding migrants in Massachusetts come on the heels of a December report Healey sent to the state House and Senate Ways and Means Committees, writing that the state would need more than $1 billion to continue funding the emergency shelter system through 2025.

“That's the concern is the money has to come from somewhere and so there's only really two options. You either raise taxes or you cut services. So, this all of this kind of flows downhill right straight to the taxpayers.

-Massachusetts Governor, Maura Healey

Locals are now even being asked to house these foreigners in their own homes!

The Right To Shelter Law of 1983

Shockingly, Boston, the bastion of freedom and independence passed the “Right To Shelter Law” that promises temporary shelter for anyone who needs it.

It was intended for families and vulnerable residents of the state, but it is being applied broadly to the migrant crises and creating serious blowback among local taxpayers!

It’s not the same as the “Quartering Act” that ignited the American Revolution but its effects are very similar on the local residents!

The Pressure is Building

The locals will only be able to take it for so long before some event in a moment of passion boils over and the people will demand that something… anything…be done!”

Years of tensions finally erupted into a deadly event as British soldiers fired into a rowdy crowd. The event is now known as the Boston Massacre.

The taxes and abuses of the “Quartering Act” of 1774 led to the convention of the first Continental Congress and ultimately the Declaration of Independence.

The stresses and forced taxes on the American people of this migrant crisis will lead to some other big events too. We just don’t know what they will be yet.

Now to answer the question, “How is this different”?

We have seen how they are similar, but the primary difference in this invasion is that we don’t exactly know who the enemy is!

1774: The clear enemy was the oppressive British and the invaders were the red-coated troops.

2024: The clear enemy sending the migrant invasion is officially “unknown” but we have to conclude the US government is at least complicit in allowing it to happen.

Today, the invaders are people from around the world. They belong to no single country. They speak no single language. They appear to be coming from all over the world. Many appear to be young males, but they include all types and all ages.

There appears to be no clear enemy to fight and no specific foreign national to attach the moniker of “bad guys” to.

There is no easy way to declare independence from a foreign enemy since there is not one this time around.

The enemy appears to be within.

So what to do?

Ironically, the people will demand the government (remember, the government is the one causing the problems in the first place) do the thing that the “unknown forces” probably want most.

This may include:

  1. The people will demand we shut the borders.

  2. They will demand the implementation of a universal biometric ID system so we know who is who.

  3. They will demand that the movement of these migrants be restricted unwittingly asking for a control grid infrastructure to be dropped on them as well.

  4. They will ask to be tracked and traced so we know where everyone is going.

Sadly, we will be the authors of our own demise by asking the oppressors to take away our freedoms.

The real enemy is the growth of unrestricted, unaccountable, unelected government power and the influence supranational organizations and corporations have on that power.

Ben Richardson

Should I make a part three?

Potential topic: Now that we see the intentional fomentation of societal friction, what can each of us do?

Stay Sane,

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