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- Believe Your Eyes
Believe Your Eyes
It's time to stop disbelieving what people are doing to you.

Stop giving people a pass.
If you are a good person and see malice (the intention or desire to do evil; ill will), your first instinct is to search for a “reasonable” excuse for why this is happening…
Maybe the victim deserved it…
Maybe the perpetrator had a bad day…
Maybe she is just defending herself…
Maybe they “have a good reason” to be so “unreasonable”…
If you are over 25 years of age, let me break it down for you.
Those are reasonable desires rooted in childlike innocence.
We live in unreasonable times.
It’s time to put away childish and innocent worldviews.
There is good.
There is evil.
You must realize this.
Most people tend to be more evil or more good, but both forces exist inside each of us—it’s the eternal struggle.
“…the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either—but right through every human heart—and through all human hearts”
And people are easily influenced.
Shattering Dreams
The so-called “vaccines” are not vaccines.
What you think is “money” is nothing but a floating abstraction that someone made up and is forcing you to use as it loses value every minute of every day—-by design!
You think we live in a “democracy”, but we don’t.
You hear “carbon credits” are about eliminating carbon from the environment, however, they are actually about eliminating YOU (AKA, “carbon” from the environment).
Time To Wake Up
Let’s start with how you have a hard time comprehending that a health crisis was created and stoked with malicious intent to benefit a powerful few.
First, a word.
INCREDULOUS: unwilling or unable to believe something.
You can’t believe it is as bad as it looks.
You are unwilling to believe humans could be so evil as to profit at the expense of your life.
You are unable to believe that supranational organizations would collude with each other and with governments on a global scale to the detriment of the humanity they supposedly serve.
Your incredulity is obscuring the truth of what is right before your eyes.
Remember, more people died from the “shot” and “treatments” than from the disease it was purported to avoid.
Try on these numbers.

270,000,000 (out of 335m), or 80%, of United States residents, got at least one dose of the “vaccine”.
5,600,000,000 (out of 8b), or 70%, of people globally got at least one dose.
13,700,000,000 doses (including boosters) were administered globally. So far…
Those are awfully tempting numbers…
A lot of people compromised their values (if they had any) to chase that money.
The federal government has so far purchased 1.2 billion doses of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines combined, at a cost of $25.3 billion, or a weighted average purchase price of $20.69 per dose.
In mid-2020, months before any COVID-19 vaccine was yet authorized or had even completed clinical trials, the federal government purchased an initial 200 million vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna (100 million each), at a price of $19.50 per dose and $15.25 per dose, respectively.
This guaranteed an advance market for these vaccines, should they prove safe and effective and receive emergency use authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as each did in December 2020.
In total, the federal government has made six different bulk purchases from Pfizer, totaling 655 million doses, and five bulk purchases from Moderna, totaling 566 million doses, for a total of 1.2 billion doses.
Subsequent federal government purchases were made at a higher price per dose, with a weighted average across these purchases of $20.69.
Same Playbook, Different People
The masterminds behind the most horrific crimes in modern history have often relied on a disturbing truth: the sheer scale and cruelty of their actions made them difficult to fully expose or believe.
This wasn’t just due to widespread apathy, although that played a role, but more so because people found it hard to believe such atrocities were possible.
A kind of emotional loyalty often prevents people from questioning those in power on their side, assuming only the opposing forces are capable of such evil.
Time To Believe
If you literally can’t believe what “your own” authorities have done to you and the rest of us, you better wake up fast, because our simplistic, self-protective blindness has us all at risk.
We are in the hands of psychopaths.
You better believe it.
What to do now?
Open your eyes and start believing what you are seeing.
The benefit of the last few years has been that the scales have fallen from many people’s eyes.
I hope that can happen for you too.
Because you can’t navigate your life properly if your decisions are based on lies and deceit.
If you found today’s letter interesting, here is my letter on finding meaning in the mundane.
Here is my letter on the Migrant Invasion, part 2.
To Your Freedom,

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